Unidirectional weave basalt fiber fabric is made from 1200tex basalt fiber yarn with high tensile strength and elastic modulus. Besides, basalt fiber has fire resistance capability and wide range of serving temperature, from -260C° to 650C°. Max™ basalt fiber fabric can be compatible with epoxy, vinyl, polyester and other resins on the market. After forming fiber-resin matrix( laminate),it behaves incredible mechanical performance and reinforcing effect on structures. It has been tested with high strength result in accordance with ASTMD3039 standard. It has the similar application steps as CFRP, used in structural strengthening, structural reinforcement, concrete repairs, seismic reinforcement. Most importantly, the substrate surface must be clean and sound. Secondly, brush saturant and bond the BFRP wrap, make sure that the BFRP is saturated completely and no bubble exists in the matrix. Finally, apply the protection and decoration coat.
Basalt fiber’s mechanical properties is better than glass fiber and lower than carbon fiber. Its price correspondingly lies between the other two. Because basalt fiber is directly made from melted lava rock without any additives, it has similar coefficient of thermal expansion as concrete, which results in better integration between the BFRP reinforcement and structural elements. Unidirectional basalt fiber fabric with different areal weight, width, roll length can be customized for your specific project requirement.